How we can help
We accept referrals for the following:
Mental Health concerns (e.g., depression, anxiety, PTSD, etc.)
Adjustment and stress
Chronic pain
Concussion or head injury
Psychological and emotional effects of physical injury
Emotional problems, including anger, irritability, and frustration
Aggression and violence
We also work with men who are seeking help with some aspect of their sexual behavior or interests that they may be concerned about.
I don’t have a specific mental health problem, is psychology relevant to me?
“Pain and suffering are always inevitable for a large intelligence or a deep heart…the really great people must, I think, have great sadness” - Fyodor Dostoevsky
This quote captures the idea that a good life is not easy and that suffering is a part of every good life.
You do not need to have a mental health issue or a mental health diagnosis to benefit from psychology sessions.
A small number of sessions, whether they occur consistently over a few weeks or sporadically over several months, can be of great help.
There are many issues that psychology can help with, that do not fall within the banner of mental health. These include stress, adjustment, concussion, head injury, anger or emotional problems, and various behavioral issues.
Are there issues that Psychology Ahuriri does not work with?
Human beings are complex and so there is the need for specialisation and psychologists have limits to their practice and expertise.
We do not offer Sensitive Claims services on behalf of ACC.
We also do not work with:
Couples or relationship counselling
Post-partum depression
Body or gender dysphoria
Eating disorders
We do not provide diagnostic services for neurodevelopmental disorders (i.e., ADHD, Autism, Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, or Intellectual Disorders).
We do not provide therapy to individuals with bi-polar, or schizophrenia-type disorders unless psychology sessions are occurring as an adjunct to medication. This is because there is limited evidence demonstrating the effectiveness of psychology input alone for these conditions.
We do not work with drug or alcohol problems if they are the main issue or if they are severe*. We do not work with alcoholism if there is a physical dependency because this requires specialist treatment and medical oversight.
*We only work with drug and alcohol problems if they are of mild to moderate severity.